Thursday, February 27, 2025

Focusing in spiritual Tending

Understanding Focusing in Spiritual Companionship

In the sacred journey of spiritual companionship, integrating the practice of Focusing can profoundly deepen the seeker’s exploration of the Divine within. Focusing, developed by Eugene Gendlin, is a gentle yet powerful method that invites individuals to attune to their inner sensations, fostering a dialogue between the body and spirit.

Focusing is a way of attending to past and present “body knowing” about the reality of our lives, accessing the wisdom our bodies hold. It's a reverent, listening orientation toward this bodily wisdom. This practice aligns beautifully with the essence of spiritual companionship, where the companion and seeker together create a sacred space for the Divine to reveal itself through the seeker’s inner experiences.

The Steps of Focusing

  • Preparation:
    • Begin by guiding the seeker to a quiet, centered place, perhaps through a grounding process.
    • Encourage them to turn inward and become aware of their body's language.
  • Clearing Space/Taking Inventory:
    • Invite the seeker to consider: "Is there anything in my life right now keeping me from feeling really good/free/alive?" or "What are the things that are taking up space inside of me now?"
    • Help them to notice the body sensations associated with these issues, feelings, or images, and to gently "lay them out on the table," creating inner space and becoming present to the here and now.
  •  Felt SenseFinding a Handle:
    • Encourage the seeker to discern which issue, feeling, or image has the most energy, allowing it to make itself known. What do you sense is the 'More'?" 
    • Assist the seeker in identifying a word, phrase, or image that encapsulates the essence of the felt sense.
    • Guide the seeker to compare the handle with the felt sense, ensuring it authentically reflects their inner experience.
  • ConsentA crucial step: 
    • Ask the seeker to ask their body, "Is it OK to be with this?"
    • If no, honor the boundary and move to nurturing. If yes, proceed.
  •  Letting Go into It with Caring Presence:
    • Guide the seeker to bring the chosen issue, feeling, or image back inside, surrounding it with care.
    • Encourage them to simply be present, witnessing and attending without judgment or attempts to fix.
  • Allowing:
    • Support the seeker in allowing the felt sense to express itself through words, memories, images, or feelings.
    • Support the seeker in welcoming whatever arises with compassion and without judgment, honoring the wisdom of their inner being.
    • Remind them to return to the question of consent if anything shifts.
  • Nurturing:
    • Help the seeker check in: "Does this feel complete, for now?"
    • Encourage them to savor what has come, express gratitude, and re-orient to the present moment.

Integrating Focusing into Spiritual Companionship

As companions, we serve as midwives to the soul’s unfolding, holding space for the seeker to encounter the Holy within. Here are ways to weave Focusing into your sacred work:

  • Sacred Attunement: Begin sessions with a grounding ritual, such as shared silence or prayer, inviting both companion and seeker to become receptive to the Divine presence.
  • Embodied Awareness: Encourage seekers to listen to their bodies as temples of the Spirit, where sensations can serve as messengers of deeper truths.
  • Compassionate Inquiry: When a seeker encounters a challenging emotion or sensation, gently invite them to explore it with curiosity, asking, “What might this part of you wish to share?” or “What does that sensation need?”.
  • Reflective Mirroring: Echo the seeker’s expressions, offering reflections that honor their experience and encourage deeper exploration.
  • Sanctuary of Silence: Embrace moments of shared silence, allowing the seeker to commune with the Divine and their inner wisdom without the need for words.

Embracing Embodied Spirituality

In our fast-paced world, many seekers yearn to reconnect with an embodied spirituality that honors the union of flesh and spirit. By integrating Focusing into spiritual companionship, we invite seekers to inhabit their bodies as sacred vessels, discovering the Divine not as a distant deity but as an intimate presence pulsing within their very being.

As we journey alongside seekers, let us remember that the path to the Holy is not solely an ascent to the heavens but also a descent into the sanctified soil of our own humanity. Through practices like Focusing, we can guide seekers to unearth the treasures buried within, fostering a spirituality that is as embodied as it is transcendent.

May we, as companions, commit to this sacred dance, moving in harmony with the rhythms of the Divine, and supporting those we serve in embracing the fullness of their embodied spiritual journey.

You are whole, holy and worthy,

Rev. Amy


Gendlin, E. T. (n.d.). The Focusing Institute.

Gendlin, E. T. (1978). Focusing. Everest House.

Notes on the Focusing method, Shared by Sister Lucy Abbot Tucker 1999, SDI Conference

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