The Power of Story
There is an old saying: “The universe is made of stories, not atoms.” Stories are the threads that weave together our collective understanding of who we are and who we can become. They shape our moral imagination, inspire our actions, and sustain us in the long, hard work of change.
Stories from history remind us of what is possible, Songs inspire and inform, moral tales teach, biographies remind us we are not alone, and fiction helps us imagine. Stories have power.
What Are Our Stories?
For many of us, the challenges of our time—the erosion of democracy, climate chaos, rising inequality—may feel unprecedented. Yet history is full of examples of individuals and communities rising to meet immense challenges. Our ancestors, and the people who lived on the land we now call home, confronted injustice, overcame adversity, and fought for a more just and equitable world.
Whose Stories?
Stories can be transformative and life-saving. Take, for example, our congregation’s building is a sanctuary. Immigration officers may have the legal right now to enter a hospital, a school, or a church, but our Unitarian Universalist faith is grounded in justice and equity. We can raise our voices, and tell the story of what is moral and right. If they know that we will share the story of violating a sacred space, it might change their actions.
Whether today's fear, outrage, and anxiety is new to you or you’ve been doing this work since your momma explained what the words racism, sexism, colonizing, and homophobia meant…
We learn from stories.
These days, I find myself leaning into my Slovak roots and embracing the history of my adopted home, Portugal, by learning about how both nations overthrew oppressive regimes.
Last year, I was leaving the little village of Silves, crossing the bridge with the old Moorish castle in my rearview mirror. The bridge was decorated with little red flowers: crocheted carnations. I realized the flowers celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Carnation Revolution—a peaceful uprising that overthrew decades of dictatorship in Portugal.
The Carnation Revolution: Wake Now My Vision
The Carnation Revolution of 1974 is a powerful example of collective action’s ability to bring about transformation. After years of repression under the Estado Novo regime, the Portuguese people rose up. Life under Estado Novo, established by António Salazar in 1933, was austere and harsh. People who spoke out against the regime often “disappeared,” and mandatory military service sent countless young men to fight unwinnable colonial wars.
The revolution was sparked by military officers opposed to the regime’s brutal colonial wars, but it became a civilian movement. First, the brave ones chose, then people poured into the streets, placing carnations in the barrels of soldiers’ guns as a symbol of peace. Remarkably, the regime fell without bloodshed, replaced by a provisional government that ushered in democracy.
The lyrics of songs are transformative stories as well! The revolution’s spirit was captured in the song “Grândola, Vila Morena” by José Afonso. Played as a signal to start the uprising, its lyrics—“Grândola, Vila Morena, Terra da Fraternidade” (Grândola, Dark Village, Land of Brotherhood)—embodied the ideals of freedom, unity, and fraternity.
There’s a warning in the Salazar regime. He was an economist and beaurocrat who was elected. But prime-minister Salazar’s reforms turned into 40 years of repressive totalitarianism. There is also hope. In the end truth, courage, compassion, and vision won. The Portuguese people remember, and say ‘never again’.
The Carnation Revolution reminds us that peaceful resistance, joy, and solidarity can bloom even in the face of oppression.
The Velvet Revolution: A Testament to Peaceful Change
The Velvet Revolution is another example of the power of peaceful resistance. In 1989, when my son was three, Czechoslovakia saw its dreams of freedom and democracy realized. Playwright and activist Václav Havel encouraged individuals to “live in truth” by rejecting the lies of the totalitarian state and reclaiming authenticity. His plays made fun of the regime, he defended a rock band that was imprisoned because they had long hair, and he himself was jailed more than once. But he persevered. In every soul and nation comes a time to decide if you will seek truth or falsehood. The people of Czechoslovakia chose to live in truth.
The name “Velvet Revolution” reflects the smooth and nonviolent transition of power. Millions joined together to peacefully end decades of Soviet rule, armed only with their voices, their keys, and their shared vision for a community transformed by care.
The Velvet Revolution teaches us that change does not always require violence; it can arise from trust, poetry, and collective action. As Vclav Havel wrote: "we never decided to become dissidents. We have been transformed into them, without quite knowing how, sometimes we have ended up in prison without precisely knowing how. We simply went ahead and did certain things that we felt we ought to do, and that seemed to us decent to do, nothing more nor less."
What Stories Sustain Us?
Stories sustain us in times of upheaval. They remind us that ordinary people, daring to dream of a better world, have faced impossible odds and prevailed. Stories of hard times and hard work share a common thread: they inspire courage, resilience, and action. Let us remain faithful to the work that must be done.
When the challenges we face—climate chaos, inequality, systemic racism—feel overwhelming, stories whisper to us: “You are not alone. Others have traveled this path before you, and you can too.”
Building the World We Dream Of
As citizens of the world, we are called to build the world we dream of—a world of love and justice. This work requires vision, action, and the spiritual sustenance that stories provide.
The story of the Velvet Revolution teaches us that truth and peaceful resistance can overcome fear. The story of the Carnation Revolution reminds us that courage can bloom like flowers in the face of oppression.
When we tell the stories of the women’s suffrage movement, the civil rights movement, and the ongoing fight for LGBTQ+ equality, we honor the resilience of those who refused to let injustice have the final word. These stories teach us that change may be slow, but it is possible—and it is worth fighting for.
Stories of real-life people being brave, or just doing the things they felt they ought to do, or what seemed decent to do, can sustain us. So can fiction. One of my favorites is the Lord of the Rings: The story of a small hobbit carrying a Ring through dangers, Finding friends and in the end, saving the world by being small and faithful to the task given to him. At one point he is speaking with the wise and powerful wizard Gandalf: I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo. "So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
Sustaining Ourselves Through Story
What sustains people through times of great upheaval? Stories of ordinary people daring to persist, dream, and act. Stories that remind us we are part of something greater than ourselves.
When we feel overwhelmed, we can turn to these stories for strength. They tell us, “You are not alone. Others have faced similar struggles and found their way forward.”
Stories are the lifeblood of our shared humanity. They help us remember who we are and imagine who we can become.
Call to Action
This week, I invite you to reflect on a story that inspires you. It could be from history, a loved one, or your own life. Share it with someone, and listen to their story in return.
Together, let us weave a tapestry of solidarity, perseverance, and action. Let us stay faithful to the work before us, and stay grounded in the power of our shared stories.
Blessed be.
You are whole, holy, and worthy,
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