Friday, October 30, 2009

Octagonal Unitarian Universalism

Multigenerational Ministries workshop at LREDA

These are my notes from a workshop held at LREDA. The Idea of "square" and "circle" Unitarian Universalism were presented by the workshop leader. The term "octagonal Unitarian Universalism" was coined on the spot by one of the participants. Brainstorm ideas were generated by the participants (it was a packed house). Shortly you will be able to see the workshop leader's presentation on Workshop presented by Erik Kesting.

We are a faith in our adolescence: our project is to define our identity (identity work is what happens in adolescence)

Question: Why are our children not staying in our faith?

The story we have been telling ourselves is about shame

The new story we are experiencing is one of two Unitarian Universalisms

1. “square” uu is experienced by the adults. Theological diversity is the paramount concern. We see it in adult RE and Sunday worship.

2. “circle” uu is experienced by children and youth. Uplifting change of heart and community of care and compassion is the paramount concern. We see it in children’s classes, con worship.

3. “octogonal” UU is a blend of the excellent parts of square and circle. This is what we need to move toward. We experience it at GA.

4. Our task is to move toward octagonal UUism. Multigen will be a part of creating that future.

(See book “Children of a Different Tribe”)

If we admire circle UU, are we ashamed of square UU? Or is our appreciation of circle UU a recognition of excellence?

Youth and everyone are hungry for

1. Clarity of identity

2. Sensate worship/embodied worship

3. Real issues from a UU values lens (such as drugs, poverty, incarceration, etc.)

4. (something that Erik talked about but I didn’t catch)

5. More time on Sunday doing meaningful religious work, together (for instance, worship for all AND RE for all)

6. Uplifting changes of heart in a caring community (for instance, small group ministry)


· Tell different stories – stories of rebelling against childhood religious home are OUT. Stories of religious leaders who used their religion to fuel the work they did to change the world are in.

· Extend privileges and obligations of membership to children, youth, and young adults (For instance, steward them.)

· Mix circle and square worship styles

· Use new to UU, Multicultural, and other Adult Ed. To help the adults become as competent about what UU is as the youth and children are. (RE teachers get the opportunity to learn this, and adult OWL for instance.)

· Tie everything to social justice

· Mix more “circle” folks (lifelong UUs, young adults, youth, and adults who “get” circle UU) into “square” committees

· Change the physical space (candles, circle the chairs, etc.)

· Small group ministry for ALL ages

· Heal the brokenness about religious pasts among the come-inners: the baby and bathwater problem. Emphasize the good things from their pasts.

· Include reps of constituent groups to plan multigen activities or worship

· Generate some pride in our faith so that people are OK with letting our light shine, sharing the good news, evangelizing

· Practice on smaller things

· Add spiritual practice to Sunday (Resource: Spirit and Practice curriculum from Tapestry of faith. Check out what Throop congregation in Pasadena does.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting these notes Amy. I really like that Octogonal concept.
