Saturday, January 18, 2025

Did Psychology Descend from Spiritual Companioning?

The Kindred Spirits of Spiritual Companionship and Psychology

We often hear about the mind-body connection, but what about the mind-spirit connection? There's something so comforting about knowing that the desire to explore our inner world and find meaning in life isn't a new invention. For centuries, cultures around the world have had practices that address our emotional and spiritual well-being. While psychology might seem like a modern invention, it actually has some fascinating roots in these ancient traditions.

Spiritual companionship can be defined as a supportive relationship where one person accompanies another on their inner journey of spiritual exploration and growth. Imagine a wise elder or medicine person in a faraway land. They might use storytelling, rituals, and a deep connection to nature to guide people through challenging emotions or traumas. This beautiful practice of spiritual companionship is all about creating a safe space for someone to explore their deepest questions and grow on their spiritual journey. It's about listening with an open heart and recognizing the inherent wholeness and worth within each person.

Fast forward to today, and psychology is a more formalized and scientific discipline that focuses on the study and treatment of mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders. . Therapists use evidence-based practices to address specific concerns and help people navigate life's challenges. Psychology and counseling assume that the client comes with a problem that needs to be addressed.

A broad overview of psychology by Ethan Watts

Where do these paths converge?

It's like two rivers flowing towards the same ocean – both spiritual companionship and psychology are ultimately interested in understanding the human experience. They both want to help us alleviate suffering, find meaning, and grow as individuals. Here's a closer look at the beautiful ways they connect:

  • Shared history: Those ancient practices of spiritual companionship laid the groundwork for later psychological thought. Early psychologists like Freud and Jung were deeply influenced by spiritual ideas, and their work often considered the whole person – mind, body, and spirit.
  • Filling a human need: Perhaps psychology arose, in part, because modern society sometimes lacks those wise elders and spiritual companions. Both fields offer a safe space to explore our emotions, thoughts, and place in the world.
  • A journey of well-being: Both aim to promote well-being and foster personal growth. They might take different approaches, but the end goal is the same – to help us live more fulfilling lives.

Beyond either/or: A symphony of the soul

Ken Wilber's concept called the "pre/trans fallacy" describes   a false divide. The divide suggests that spiritual experiences are a regression to a more primitive state(pre-rational), while psychology can be all about strengthening the ego (rational). But true growth isn't about going backward – it's about integrating all aspects of ourselves, the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual (trans-rational).

Spiritual direction can help us develop an authentic sense of self that's connected to our deeper values and all we hold sacred, while psychology can address specific mental health concerns. Ideally, they work together to create a more holistic approach to well-being.

Think of it like this: sometimes we need a doctor for our body, a therapist for our mind, and a spiritual companion for our soul. These practices can work together to create a beautiful symphony of personal growth, where all parts of us are seen, heard, and nurtured.

The journey continues...

As psychology continues to evolve, some branches are rediscovering their connection to spiritual roots. Positive psychology, somatic experiencing, and transpersonal psychology all explore the mind-spirit connection in new and exciting ways.

Recognizing the shared history and complementary approaches of spiritual companionship and psychology allows us to appreciate both and fosters a deeper understanding of the human experience. So next time you're on your own journey of self-discovery, remember – there are many paths that lead to wholeness, and sometimes the most beautiful destinations are reached by traveling hand-in-hand with different kinds of guides.

Want to delve deeper?

Take the first step towards your well-being. Visit the Unitarian Universalist Spiritual Direction Network at or the list of Cherry Hill Seminary graduates at to find a spiritual companion.

You can become a spiritual companion - enroll in the Cherry Hill Spiritual Direction Certification training program []


















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