Sunday, January 05, 2025

Befana's Flight: Letting Go of Busy-ness to Offer Our Gifts of Love

Befana's Flight: Letting Go of Busy-ness to Offer Our Gifts of Love

The story of Befana, the kindly Italian witch who delivers gifts to children on Epiphany, offers a poignant reminder to let go of our busy-ness and embrace the joy of giving. (Here's a link to the story adapted from Carolyn McVickars:

Befana, in her obsession with a tidy home, missed the opportunity to offer her gifts to the child who would "light up the world". Driven by focus on the work before her and fear of the changes and stresses of the surrounding world, she almost missed out on her true work: the gift of love and generosity.

She forgave herself and began again: she embarked on her own quest, bearing the gifts she had prepared for the child. She arrived late, she never found that one special one. In fact, I think she arrived as the people in Bethlehem were mourning the deaths of their children after horrific destruction, as the petty tyrant dictator attempted to kill the foretold child of light. Befana arrived with sweets and hugs to comfort families in the worst moment in their lives. She continues her journey every year, offering her gifts to all the children of the world.

Photo courtesy of Scafuri Bakery

In this story lies a potent message for us all. Caught in the whirlwind of daily life, we often prioritize productivity and achievement over connection and compassion. We fill our schedules, striving for more, but often lose sight of what truly matters: nurturing relationships, offering kindness, and living with intention. Those precious gifts we can give and receive – creativity, compassion, resilience, love, and time, talent and treasure.

So often, we think we've missed the mark, missed the moment. But maybe, it turns out that the moment we choose to offer love is always the perfect moment to do so. 

The beauty of Befana's story lies in her shift in focus. She missed the one "special" child, yet she found meaning in offering her gifts to all children. This reminds us that every individual, indeed every being, possesses inherent worth and the capacity to make a meaningful contribution to the world.

What if, like Befana, we paused in our haste? What if we set down the weight of our to-do lists, silenced the inner critic that tells us we are supposed to DO DO DO, and allowed ourselves to simply be present? Let's identify and nurture the unique gifts that reside within us. Let's use those gifts to make a positive impact, however small, on the world around us.

Let us slow down, embrace the present moment, be willing to witness the pain around us and discover the joy of giving whatever it is we have, from a place of inner peace and abundance. Let us remember that we are all special, all capable of great things. Let our actions reflect that belief, and let us weave a tapestry of kindness, compassion, and joy as we move through winter toward spring. 

Spiritual Tending can help you:

  • Reclaim your time and energy: By identifying and releasing what no longer serves you, you create space for what truly matters.
  • Connect with your inner wisdom: Through practices like meditation and introspection, you can rediscover your values and align your actions with your deepest desires.
  • Cultivate a spirit of generosity: By nurturing your own well-being, you are better equipped to offer love, compassion, and support to others.

Schedule a free consultation to explore how Spiritual Tending can support you on your journey. 

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